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Pamięć morza - kompozycja minerałów: Wybrane prace

Kompozycja minerałów

"Composition of minerals” is an artwork inspired by the interior of the Salt Mine in Wieliczka, Poland. Created as a part of an artistic and scientific project “Pamięć morza” (“The memory of the sea”) that consisted in examining alternative spaces for artistic activities. It consists of 61 drawings, made with ink, watercolor and salt, attached to a hand-dyed table cloth with metal pins.
Two day spent underground in the salt mine was supposed to be a source of inspiration for the participants, to gather ideas, look for interesting stories and details. I usually think best when I’m drawing, that’s why I made a lot of sketches of various textures and colors that I found there. Salt covered walls, rust stained objects, turquoise underground lakes. My work was a way to synthesize all that I have experienced, together with a heavy feeling of thousands of tons of rocks above my head. Since ink and watercolors are my favorite and most efficient mediums, I took them with me, and let myself spontaneously and intuitively pour those experiences on paper. When I looked at the results at home, I decided that there was no need of creating another, separate work, but rather find a way to connect all those drawings together. Inspired by the dim interior I decided to attach them to a dark stained tablecloth, which made them stand out even more.

Pamięć morza - kompozycja minerałów: Tekst
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